Tips on Pool Maintenance while you’re on Vacation

Being a pool owner in El Dorado Hills you know how important it is to keep up with your swimming pool maintenance. Forgetting about your pool maintenance could result in cloudy water and algae growth. You may clean your pool on your own and you may keep up with pool maintenance every week. If you

2018-08-09T18:46:21-08:00By |Comments Off on Tips on Pool Maintenance while you’re on Vacation

Taking Care of Your Pool After it Rains

Even the rain can affect the way your pool runs and stays clean. When it rains and your pool is left open, the rain water dilutes the pool water, which cause the chemical balance to be thrown off. If the rainfall is light where you are located then the water shouldn’t affect your swimming pool

2018-03-06T21:51:36-08:00By |Comments Off on Taking Care of Your Pool After it Rains

Getting Rid of Algae within 5 Days

We all know what that green swamp like water is when you open your pool up for the summer, and if you don’t you’re in for a real treat. That green swampy consistency floating in your swimming pools is algae, and getting rid of algae is not that complicated. Algae is a form of bacteria

2022-05-12T06:27:15-08:00By |Comments Off on Getting Rid of Algae within 5 Days

How Often Should you Shock your Pool

There are some pool owners who have the same question, and that is when or how often should I shock my pool. The answer is simple, you should shock your pool whenever your pool gets dirty. If your pool is filling up with algae and other bacteria’s, your pool water will turn different colors, such

2018-02-16T18:45:41-08:00By |Comments Off on How Often Should you Shock your Pool
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