ProEdge Build Features

Lead Tracking

Because you spend real money to generate your incoming leads, ProEdge Build places a high value on them. Our lead management process drives the full development of all incoming leads until they are converted to a sale or until you determine the lead is dead.

ProEdge Build lead management tools include key reports that provide you with multiple looks at where the leads come from and help you to optimize your advertising spending. In addition, you can see all leads measured against the key performance indicators of appointments, sales and digs. These measures can be organized by salesperson, sales office, week, month, etc. to show you specifics about the value that your top performers contribute to the business and where immediate improvements are needed to achieve sales objectives.

Sales Management

Capturing all possible sales from your lead flow is no easy task. ProEdge Build provides you with tools to quickly show the sales performance of each designer on your team. You can track sales to leads, sales to appointments, and sales to dig ratios.

Project Management

ProEdge Build converts captured leads and all related selling data to a construction project with just one click. Efficient management of in-house and sub-contractor resources can be the difference between profit and loss on any job. ProEdge Build software provides you a creative tool to increase the speed and accuracy of all your scheduling communications. Emails and work orders all become part of the permanent job record; no more hunting through folders a piece of information. Your scheduler can choose between a “whiteboard” look at the schedule or a calendar view; whichever is preferred.


ProEdge Build can be customized to your businesses terminology and phases. ProEdge Build provides powerful options to give you more control during each phase of a construction project:

      • Name your own job phases
      • Customize job phase sequences
      • Manage schedules
      • Issue work orders directly to subs by email or fax
      • Customize payment schedules

Assign access for sub-contractors to view and pick up work orders, mark complete from their computer, and email critical information regarding a job that will always reside in the customer record.

Automatic Communication

ProEdge Build provides a robust communication tool to capture any important conversations or messages in the database. Email directly out of ProEdge Build, and it automatically dates and logs the email into the customer record. The customer can respond directly into the system and their replies are all permanently captured with their job record for future reference. Setup automatic emails for payment due dates and many other time critical messages to both customers and sub-contractors.

Accounting Interface

ProEdge Build seamlessly interfaces with Quick Books and Great Plains Accounting software, facilitating a single entry system and expediting your accounting processes. The vendor record is dynamically imported from QuickBooks. Once a vendor is selected, the Accounting interface permits true batch entry for Great Plains Accounting and Quick Books. Rather than requiring you to determine which job each invoice should be applied to, then locate that job to enter the invoice, ProEdge Build allows you to enter a batch of invoices from one vendor at a time.

The vendor ID is retained, allowing you to enter each invoice received from that vendor, apply it to a job (which can be ‘looked up’ by name or address), select the phase to which the cost will be applied, match that expense with the estimate for that phase, and determine if all expenses for that phase have been received. Quick Books is updated and the vendor record will now include that invoice. Great Plains will integrate a batch on request, updating those vendor records. The accounting package will then handle the selection of invoices for payment and printing of checks.

Warranty & Support

After a construction project has been completed, ProEdge Build moves all relevant job data to your warranty folder for future lookups. With ProEdge Build, all warranty information is at your fingertips, making it easy to find, verify, and document all warranty support requests. Search warranty information by job number, address only or customer name, and refine your search by office location.

The Warranty tab brings all warranty information onto one screen, so you can be ready when your customer calls. Answer common questions such as:

      • What is the status for a specific job?
      • Is a customer support request covered by a warranty?
      • Can I charge for repair services?
      • Is equipment or pool still under warranty?
      • Does the customer still owe money?

With Warranty Job Manager, view up-to-date warranty information, including type, period covered, status and any detailed notes entered.

Tech Support – In the event that our users need assistance, we provide a full tech support staff that can guide you through the ProEdge Build system whenever needed. Unlike other software providers, there is no cost to you to use our online tech support and phone hotlines.

Secure Information – With ProEdge Build your proprietary information is kept safe and is backed up by remote servers daily. Our server host is constantly updating firewall protections to guard you against the latest risk issues that threaten computers everywhere. In addition, our software allows you full control of the access and permission levels to view your data by employee.

Customer Support – Your custom website will include a ‘customer support’ menu with all documented user manuals as well as training videos. Online support requests are also available with programmers responding within minutes. Our Technical Support team is trained to guide you through the software and with the latest web access software, fix any problems you may encounter.